Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Well, I created the blog to express myself regarding my weight. And maybe I could find a new inspiration and find insight on my "condition." The thing is that I haven't exactly had the time to blog. I guess it really don't matter, nothing has changed since the last time I did blog. I'm still fat and sexy, so you know I still hungry. One thing has changed though, I recently ordered the PowerPatch. Hopefully, this will help. If so, I will post before and after pics. If not, well, you know the deal.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The truth is that I have been trying to get the weight off for a long time. It has truly been a struggle. I just get so damn frustrated when I exercise and get no results. And it is not the same for us truly fullfigured beauties. We just don't see those results as soon as others. That's when we give up and sabotage our diets and ourselves. As you can see on the left I am double the size as my sexy husband. That's kinda embarrassing to be truthful. Losing the weight is just so much easier than said.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am so tired to examining every damn thing I eat! All the advertisers promising that the consumer will not feel hungry. That's a damn LIE! I have tried and tested all the pills, liquid meals, packaged meals, weigh in centers, even injections. NOTHING HAS WORKED! I have done everything short of surgery. If there was an advertisement for a weight loss gimmick- I was the fat girl sitting in the waiting room or ordering it over the phone. Shit! I just want to eat. I love great tasting food. Unfortunately, it's us curvy girls who fall victim to all the advertisements with false promises. I wish every false advertisement that i fell victim to that I can be reimbursed. I wish that I can be paid for pain and suffering. Oh,and that exercise shit ain't all it's cracked up to be. I exercise day after day after day-and do not see the results. What's up with that? I can't afford to go into debt any longer from my health issues. I don't know what's next.

About Me

Katy, Texas, United States
I am a confident, beautiful, full-figured woman. I am happily married with 3 beautiful children.