Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The truth is that I have been trying to get the weight off for a long time. It has truly been a struggle. I just get so damn frustrated when I exercise and get no results. And it is not the same for us truly fullfigured beauties. We just don't see those results as soon as others. That's when we give up and sabotage our diets and ourselves. As you can see on the left I am double the size as my sexy husband. That's kinda embarrassing to be truthful. Losing the weight is just so much easier than said.

1 comment:

Paul, Tara, and Riley Anne said...

Girl, you still look good. You and your sexy husband. I CANNOT believe how big your kids are!!! OH MY GOD!!! How old are they now?

About Me

Katy, Texas, United States
I am a confident, beautiful, full-figured woman. I am happily married with 3 beautiful children.