Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am so tired to examining every damn thing I eat! All the advertisers promising that the consumer will not feel hungry. That's a damn LIE! I have tried and tested all the pills, liquid meals, packaged meals, weigh in centers, even injections. NOTHING HAS WORKED! I have done everything short of surgery. If there was an advertisement for a weight loss gimmick- I was the fat girl sitting in the waiting room or ordering it over the phone. Shit! I just want to eat. I love great tasting food. Unfortunately, it's us curvy girls who fall victim to all the advertisements with false promises. I wish every false advertisement that i fell victim to that I can be reimbursed. I wish that I can be paid for pain and suffering. Oh,and that exercise shit ain't all it's cracked up to be. I exercise day after day after day-and do not see the results. What's up with that? I can't afford to go into debt any longer from my health issues. I don't know what's next.

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About Me

Katy, Texas, United States
I am a confident, beautiful, full-figured woman. I am happily married with 3 beautiful children.