Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I can't get my thoughts together.....

I started this blog to express myself regarding the 1 thing that seems to occupy my time the fat ass. I didn't want to really keep discussing it with people over the phone or when i run into them at the grocery store. You know..."hey girl! How are you?" And I will respond, "girl, fine.Just keep gaining weight." I guess I felt like it was the elephant in the room (no pun intended). So, I wanted to express myself here. I used to keep a diary, but with kids quiet time is sleep time. When a friend told me how she keep up with others on the internet I started a myspace. BIG MISTAKE! Myspace is a place for hookups. So with the intent on just looking at a friends pics on her family blog..I started one and thought it was great. The only thing is that I can't find the damn time to blog and express myself like I want to. I know no one will read this because I was never one of the popular girls but, when I sit down I can't type what I want to express. Besides the fact that I'm no damn typist, I just can't get my thoughts together. With my busy life as a mother and wife I can't get a lick of time to myself. I always have shit to do. Oh, and I am also been trying to quit cursing since 01/2009, or maybe longer. What the hell man!!!! All damn day I thought about being fat and if I lose the weight my skin will hang and I will look like one of those sorta skinny girls who definitely used to be fat. What's the use, right. May as well stay a fat bitch!

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About Me

Katy, Texas, United States
I am a confident, beautiful, full-figured woman. I am happily married with 3 beautiful children.