Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Family Reunion
Saturday, 07/24/09 marked my families 30th or 31st or maybe 33rd, well you get the idea. We have been having the damn thing for many years now. Anyhow, we arrive in the country after driving for about 4 hrs and last meal being about 6 hrs before, so we were plenty hungry, ready to eat. So, I, the fat, pretty niece,cousin get out to say hello to all the family whom I haven't seen for awhile. One of the first comments I receive is "I didn't know who that was at first, getting out that car with all that behind!" What?? Is that all I have to hear time after time. Who gives a fuck? And I wanted to say,"I can get skinny but you can't get pretty." But, with everything in me, I held it in. Why do family feel like they can say any damn thing to you? My uncle told me about 2 1/2 years ago. "the same thing that got him is what you gotta keep him with." Like you need to lose weight so you can keep your husband. Please. Fuck you. And whats your excuses for marrying a woman that looks exactly like a horse? I wonder how would they feel if I pointed out all their many discrepancies. Anyway, like the graceful, classy woman that I am-I moved on. I took all the jokes and sarcasm like the big girl that I am. Yet, unconsciously, I sat in the back row of the tables and I didn't eat much. But, I took some hefty ass plates back to the hotel with me!!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I can't get my thoughts together.....
I started this blog to express myself regarding the 1 thing that seems to occupy my time the fat ass. I didn't want to really keep discussing it with people over the phone or when i run into them at the grocery store. You know..."hey girl! How are you?" And I will respond, "girl, fine.Just keep gaining weight." I guess I felt like it was the elephant in the room (no pun intended). So, I wanted to express myself here. I used to keep a diary, but with kids quiet time is sleep time. When a friend told me how she keep up with others on the internet I started a myspace. BIG MISTAKE! Myspace is a place for hookups. So with the intent on just looking at a friends pics on her family blog..I started one and thought it was great. The only thing is that I can't find the damn time to blog and express myself like I want to. I know no one will read this because I was never one of the popular girls but, when I sit down I can't type what I want to express. Besides the fact that I'm no damn typist, I just can't get my thoughts together. With my busy life as a mother and wife I can't get a lick of time to myself. I always have shit to do. Oh, and I am also been trying to quit cursing since 01/2009, or maybe longer. What the hell man!!!! All damn day I thought about being fat and if I lose the weight my skin will hang and I will look like one of those sorta skinny girls who definitely used to be fat. What's the use, right. May as well stay a fat bitch!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Pre-Teen/Tween/Evil Incarnate/Grouch/Drama Queen/Or Whatever You Want To Call Them!!!
O.K. I have an 11 yr old girl. She has already started her "monthly" and boy does it show. I mean, yeah, I remember being that age and going through changes, but are you serious? Is it me or have little girls become meaner? She can be so negative. Being patient has taken it's toll on me. I am almost all prayed out. Sometimes I look at her and she looks like the exorcist. I mean I have done everything short of going to church and asking for a special praying session for her. And trust me sometime I look at her and I swear I have seen her head spin around once or twice. She is never happy. She complains about everything. I am so sick of hearing groans and grunts everytime I tell her to do something that is her responsibility anyway.
I swear the next time I have to listen to one of her gripes I am just going to put my hand to her face and say "Talk to the hand" or better yet "WHATEVA!!!!!!"
I swear the next time I have to listen to one of her gripes I am just going to put my hand to her face and say "Talk to the hand" or better yet "WHATEVA!!!!!!"
Friday, May 22, 2009
Well, today was definitely just a blah day. I took the day off from exercise to just take care of household So, I started out just cleaning closets, making phone call, mopping, washing,etc. You know just the same stuff I do in my uneventful life now. I got a phone call from back home regarding an old friend who recently passed. They thought it was a Hrt attck but, now the word is she was positive for the swine flu. What the shuck??? I don't know if it if absolutely true. Remember this is word of mouth. I thought of her so much. I've been looking at old photo's since I found out. The messed up part is she had no life insurance. Man, that prompted me to call the bank and check up on my family's policy. I think that I may increase it. She had 3 children. We hadn't been close in the last yrs because our lives took such different paths. She became such a different person from the person that I knew when we were younger. You never know what life is going to bring you or what path it may lead you down.THANK YOU LORD FOR BLESSING ME AND MY FAMILY.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Things are changing faster than I realized
Today started out to be a pretty BLAH day. I done about 50% of my exercise routine. I had an extra snack. Then some fast food for lunch. So, after lunch I was feeling pretty !^#$@% about myself. Then, I received news from home that someone I grew up with had a heart attck. A HEART ATTACK!???!!! I won't comment on our ages, but we are sure as hell not the typical age you hear about when you hear that someone has had a hrt attack. Yeah,yeah,yeah- I know- I am a nurse, I should know better. But still, it's scary. For the last couple of yrs, i've heard of incidents regarding people in my past and their health. It makes you wonder. Like, don't you hear these stories about people in your age group much later in life. Man, that's more motivation for me to take better care of myself.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I haven't blogged in a while. But, I have been busy. One thing is that I have been exercising steadily for the last 3 wks. It is so hard at my size. I ache all over. That is one reason why people in my situation quite so easily. I go early a.m. Mon-Fri. When do it start to get better? And when in the hell am I going to feel the so called increased energy? I am tired as hell!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Balancing Act

It's been pretty much the same old thang around my way. Mostly at home with the kids and barely working. I do want to spend time with my kids before they get too old. Yet, part of me regret the decision. I am bored to death. And I have to admit I do miss working and socializing with individuals in my field. It's very difficult to find that balance.
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About Me
- mconfibeauty
- Katy, Texas, United States
- I am a confident, beautiful, full-figured woman. I am happily married with 3 beautiful children.